Sunday 27 July 2008

Missing Quran verses on stoning and breastfeeding


First of all everyone should read the following on the issue of Quranic variants and abrogation, seeing as a lot of people without any knowledge on the issue use it as a stick to beat the Muslims claiming the Quran has been changed and has some missing verses, when in fact it does not.

After reading this it should be clear that the Quran we have today is the Quran we were supposed to have as revealed, and intended from the creator to form the final revelation.

Regarding stoning it is said:

“He will state that this is a lost verse that was originally in the Quran in chapter 33, and there are numerous sources for this fact.”

Yes there are numerous sources, all which definitively disagree with the assertion that there is a lost verse on stoning. Please check out the following for clarity on the matter:

After reading this it should be clear that this was not a missing verse, nor a lost verse. In fact, it is no verse. It was abrogated via permission of the prophet and consensus amongst the companions. If it was lost or forgotten, why is it that the hadith clearly record the fact that the Prophet and the companions agreed that it was not part of the Quran. How can they talk about and discuss something which they have supposedly forgotten. Furthermore the law was actually implemented by them, how could they have implemented a law derived from something which they have supposedly forgotten?

Regarding breastfeeding it is said:

“Yes, there was a verse in the Quran that orders muslim women to breast feed men, or allow men to suck on their nipples 10 times as the hadith says so these men would become Mehrem, meaning people they can not marry so they can socialize with them!”

Was there? Really? Seeing as no references are ever provided, I will do all the work, and then answer the query.

Now for the issue raised, where its claimed there is a verse in the Quran that tells women to breast feed men. The hadith being referred to is:

Saheeh Muslim
Book 008, Number 3421:
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with, her) reported that it had been revealed in the Holy Qur'an that ten clear sucklings make the marriage unlawful, then it was abrogated (and substituted) by five sucklings and Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) died and it was before that time (found) in the Holy Qur'an (and recited by the Muslims).

You can find a detailed explanation of this at the following:

After reading this you would have realized that this verse was never meant to be in the Quran, and it was abrogated via permission of the prophet and consensus amongst the companions. Hence it cannot be termed a missing verse, because for it to be termed as such the verse should have been somehow overlooked or forgotten by the companions and the prophet, when in actual fact it was considered and scrutinized and then abrogated accordingly with the permission of the prophet and companions, hence the will of the creator was done via his messenger Muhammad.

Now to the claim that the verse which was allegedly missing but actually wasn’t, said women are ordered to breast feed men? Nowhere did the hadith in question say MEN or MAN. If you had read up on the issue with abit more care, you would see that it refers to children. This hadith has to be cross referenced with the primary authority on the issue, which is breastfeeding.

The primary authority is the following:

The breastfeeding must happen within the first two years of the child's life, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "The mothers shall give suck to their children for two whole years, (that is) for those (parents) who desire to complete the term of suckling." [al-Baqarah 2:233].

The hadith is referring to a child NOT a man. In Islam, you are not allowed to marry the following category of people as clarified by the creator himself in his final revelation:

Prohibited to you (For marriage) are:- Your mothers, daughters, sisters; father's sisters, Mother's sisters; brother's daughters, sister's daughters; foster-mothers (Who suckled you), foster-sisters; your wives' mothers; your step-daughters under your guardianship, born of your wives to whom ye have gone in,- no prohibition if ye have not gone in;- (Those who have been) wives of your sons proceeding from your loins; and two sisters in wedlock at one and the same time, except for what is past; for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. 004.023

Note: It refers to foster mothers who suckled you. Now lets look again at the hadith in question:

Saheeh Muslim
Book 008, Number 3421:
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with, her) reported that it had been revealed in the Holy Qur'an that ten clear sucklings make the marriage unlawful, then it was abrogated (and substituted) by five sucklings and Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) died and it was before that time (found) in the Holy Qur'an (and recited by the Muslims).

And the following hadith:

Book 008, Number 3422:
'Amra reported that she heard 'A'isha (Allah he pleased with her) discussing fosterage which (makes marriage) unlawful; and she ('A'isha) said: There was revealed in the Holy Qur'an ten clear sucklings, and then five clear (sucklings).

The hadith is not referring to men at all in any shape or form, people have misunderstood the whole thing. It was talking about when a woman fosters a child or wishes to, in order for that child to be categorized as a her son, he/she would have to meet the requirements on breastfeeding, and breastfeed that child in a certain way. Thus a clear guideline was provided on how a woman can foster a child as her own, be it a boy OR a girl so that there is not any confusion amongst people regarding the issue. No mention of a man.

These children, once they have been breastfed in the manner prescribed would become foster children of that mother. In the case of the male child, he would become a mehrem meaning someone the mother cannot marry, but can freely socialize with as you put it, as he is her son.
So just to summarise:

1) There is no ‘lost verse’ on stoning in the Quran as claimed
2) There is no ‘missing verse’ in the Quran on breast feeding as claimed
3) There is nowhere in the Quran where women were/are told to breast feed men as claimed
4) Goat or no goat it is irrelevant, as the relevant verses were abrogated

There are no variances or missing parts in the Noble Quran. These are all false and baseless assumptions from some anti-Islamics. The situation in the Hadiths above was not a corruption as it might appear to you. It is a problem with dialects. For instance, take the letter "j". Did you know that some Arabs don't pronounce the "j"? They always pronounce it as "g" or "ga".

Take "the" as another example. Some Arabs also don't pronounce "the". They pronounce it as "za".

Another example, and this is an important one in my opinion, is that some Arabs used to have a dialect which originated from Yemen, where they would add "an" at the end of a noun. Take for instance the popular word of today "Taliban", as in the Taliban in Afghanistan. "Taliban" is the same as the Arabic word "Talib" which means "Student".

The Afghans today used the old Arabic dialect from Yemen which dates even older than 1400 years ago when the Noble Quran was revealed. Back then in Yemen, as I said, they used to add the word "an" for nouns. So if they for instance wanted to refer to a stone "sakhr (in Arabic)", then they would refer to it as "sakhran", even though it would be written in Arabic as "sakhr".
The point is that there were 7 different dialects. The Noble Quran was originally recited with the "Quraishi" dialect, which is the dialect that our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him spoke.

The other dialects were later prohibited by our Prophet's disciple Uthman to keep the recitation of the Noble Quran consistent. The words were the SAME. But the pronunciation and the reading of them was different for the reasons I explained above and several others, such as the punctuations in Arabic.

When Uthman, the third Caliph in Islam, compiled the Noble Quran, he did not determine the numerical order of the Noble Chapters and the Noble Verses. The entire Noble Quran as I said was already documented and memorized. Chapters from the Noble Quran were recited by our Prophet peace be upon him at least 5 times a day during the Muslims' five-daily prayers. Also, the Noble Quran was all recited during the month of Ramadan, as it is still done today. There are other daily and weekly religious occasions, festivals and holidays where the Noble Quran back then and still today was recited either partially or wholly. The Muslims who perfected the memorization of the Noble Quran back then continuously refreshed their memories through teaching others: Muslims and non-Muslims about Islam.

So, it is beyond the shadow of the doubt that the numbering and the order of the Noble Chapters and Verses was already determined by our Prophet peace be upon him through the inspiration and guidance of Allah Almighty, and not by anyone else.


The Noble Quran today is One True Perfect Divine Holy Book. It survived man's alterations and corruptions. The Noble Quran was all documented on the spot during Prophet Muhammad's times. The Noble Quran's numerical ordering of the Noble Verses and Chapters were also determined Prophet Muhammad through the inspirations of Allah Almighty. The Noble Quran was memorized and recited over and over again through the Muslims' five-daily prayers, the Holy Month of Ramadan, and other events and occasions where Muslims who perfected the memorization of the Noble Quran continuously refreshed their memories through teaching others.

So, it is beyond the shadow of the doubt that the numbering and the order of the Noble Chapters and Verses was already determined by our Prophet peace be upon him through the inspiration and guidance of Allah Almighty, and not by anyone else.

The authenticity of the Qur'an is a major proof that it is from Allah, the Lord of all Being. Allah has Himself said in the Qur'an that He will guard it from corruption (we seen here how Allah's Book survived 1400 years with out a single change, which proves that Allah has Guarded His Book). Therefore, we quote the following statement to all non-Muslims who attack the Holy Qur'an:

"Let there be no compulsion in religion, truth stands out clear from what is error." (al-Qur'an (2):256)


  1. Looks like those who insist on those hadiths on breastfeeding men are just trying to take advantage of a situation; ie. being perverse.

    And since when has hadiths taken precedence over the Al-Qur'an anyway?

    I do not understand why this cannot be discussed properly by Islamic leaders on a global scale so that we can clear this up once and for all.
    Frankly, I'm surprised that any Muslim would even consider this to be something legit.
    Clearly they do not know the religion well enough.

    1. Which were the true Quran? The ones that were burnt or the current ones? Also What about the manuscripts that the Goats ate up. I wonder what was in there. Let me guess, Jesus the Son of God. Crucified on the cross died for the sins of humanity and rose from the tomb.
      Ascended to heaven sitting on the right hand of his father. No one comes to the father but through Jesus Christ.
      Give your life to Jesus, believe he died for your sins & rose from the Grave and he his God then only you will enter the Kingdom of GOD.
      God Bless You!

    2. Which were the true Quran? The ones that were burnt or the current ones? Also What about the manuscripts that the Goats ate up. I wonder what was in there. Let me guess, Jesus the Son of God. Crucified on the cross died for the sins of humanity and rose from the tomb.
      Ascended to heaven sitting on the right hand of his father. No one comes to the father but through Jesus Christ.
      Give your life to Jesus, believe he died for your sins & rose from the Grave and he his God then only you will enter the Kingdom of GOD.
      God Bless You!

  2. There is no abrogation of verses of Quran. All these Hadith referred in this article are fabricated and quran has never changed
    18:27 “You shall recite what is revealed to you of your Lord’s scripture. Nothing shall abrogate His words, and you shall not find any other source beside it.”

  3. Does it really matter if there are missing verses or not? The whole book is UNVERIFIABLE nonsense.

  4. If it refers to children and not to MEN or MAN then why it says sucklings make the marriage unlawful, of course an adult woman cannot marry a child ?

    1. Actually this comment proves your ignorance the breastfeeding means the foster moms that breastfeeded. Meaning if you can't marry her after you grow up.

  5. Women cant marry their children so the hadith cant be aout the children, isnt it obvious? The hadith discusses those who are lawful in marriage to women. The breastfeeding would make them unlawful. So where is in the Quran a verse about 10 sucklings n 5? There is no such a verse. So either the hadith is false or the Quran was changed. I am for a third option- Quran was changed AND the hadith is false ^^

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Women cant marry their children so the hadith cant be aout the children, isnt it obvious? The hadith discusses those who are lawful in marriage to women. The breastfeeding would make them unlawful. So where is in the Quran a verse about 10 sucklings n 5? There is no such a verse. So either the hadith is false or the Quran was changed. I am for a third option- Quran was changed AND the hadith is false ^^

  8. The Quran is not the word of God. Mohammed was a false prophet. He was a sinfull man. How would God reveal to a sinfull man like Mohammed. There are plenty of revelations in the quran and the hadets that Mohammad was very sinful. Yet Jesus never sinned and truly is GOD. Repent & follow Jesus then only you will enter the kingdom.

  9. The Quran is not the word of God. Mohammed was a false prophet. He was a sinfull man. How would God reveal to a sinfull man like Mohammed. There are plenty of revelations in the quran and the hadets that Mohammad was very sinful. Yet Jesus never sinned and truly is GOD. Repent & follow Jesus then only you will enter the kingdom.

  10. The Quran is not the word of God. Mohammed was a false prophet. He was a sinfull man. How would God reveal to a sinfull man like Mohammed. There are plenty of revelations in the quran and the hadets that Mohammad was very sinful. Yet Jesus never sinned and truly is GOD. Repent & follow Jesus then only you will enter the kingdom.

    1. According to your own Not Trustworthy NT Jesus was sinful on many occasions. Can you name them, CHRISTIAN idiot?

      Do you know, also, that your CHRISTIAN Greek demigod Jesus will ALSO be subjected to God in the end according to 1 Corinthians 15:28? Now what god gets subjugated to God? I believe you're exposed for being a true Christian son of your true Christian father Satan.

  11. Brother, may I ask you a question?

  12. You are a very shameless person.thats all I can say

  13. You are a very shameless person.thats all I can say

  14. It is interesting that you have allowed comments on this issue. All the others that supposedly were refuting the critics wouldn't even allow comments. LOL!

    The fact still remains that the quran has been altered. There are simply too much evidence of it. Cannot be refuted. PERIOD!

    "...truth stands out clear from what is error..."? Hahaha! Give me a break willya. That's like a thief saying "I don't steal".

  15. +DragonFire,

    The fact is that you, being a Christian, have committed too many fallacies in just a couple of lines as well as wherever you write. The Quran has not been altered, the onus is on you to prove otherwise by producing an altered Quran, i.e. bring forth two Qurans which differ among themselves.

    The funny thing is that you are being boastful against the so-called alteration of the Quran when you and your Christianity cannot stand up and tell us why:

    1- Your Christian NT is half-forged according to:

    2- We do not know whether any of your NT words are true or false since you do not have any NT MSS in the native tongue of Jesus and his disciples, i.e. Aramaic! All you got are Greek MSS which cannot be the words spoken or taught by Jesus or his disciples, who is going to tell us whether the Greek MSS are true translations of what they said and taught?

    3- For someone who worships triplets, trinity, you sure got a lot of nerve standing up against the Quran! You should first meet a nearly 2000 year old challenge by producing where did your Christian god declare himself by himself that he is made up of 3 distinct persons and names them, all by his own personal words?

    4- Your Christian NT has the following verse in it:
    1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

    However, one wonders how can that be when we learn, also from Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:28 that your baby god, Jesus, will ALSO be subjected to God in the end?! This for sure points to a very confused, Christian, god!

  16. You said: //So, it is beyond the shadow of the doubt that the numbering and the order of the Noble Chapters and Verses was already determined by our Prophet peace be upon him through the inspiration and guidance of Allah Almighty, and not by anyone else.//

    How did the Saana mosque Qur'an get a different Surah order than the standard Qur'an? Is Qur'an 10:64 not accurate?

  17. Matt,

    Before you yap your trap, why don't you provide evidence to back up what you say?! i.e. why don't you provide evidence to the effect that the so-called "Sanaa Mosque Quran" was actually a full Quran, considered as the full and real Quran, and nothing else such as teaching aids (parchments) which pupils would use to scribe and erase to re-scribe other parts of the Quran?!

    A detailed reply is given on the following page:

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